5 Reasons You Need a Website - even if you’re on Social Media

If you’re a small business then you need a website as part of your marketing strategy (even if you’re rocking it on social media).


1. You’re searchable beyond social media!

Face it, when people want something today, even if it's something offline, they're going to go to Google to find out what or where it is. If your business doesn't have an SEO optimized website you’re simply not going to appear.

2. Builds trust and credibility

If you have a website it instantly builds your trust and credibility with your ideal client.

Imagine if you walked down the street and saw a bare shop window, you’d probably think it’s a bit dodgy and keep walking by.

Having a website for your business makes you more legit and professional for your clients online.

If you only have social media, you may be perceived as a hobbyist. You want to build your online shop window and be seen as an expert to your ideal clients so they trust you and then buy from you.⁠

3. You’re in control

Now don’t get me wrong, I love social media (it’s part of my job too) but I am very aware of the fact that I do not own the platform or my profiles, we are given tools to publish and we are following the rules of the platform. ⁠

Social media platforms are owned by others and they have a lot of rules and restrictions when it comes to posting content and who is seeing that content.

When social media platform’s start out, they give you a lot of organic traffic but with time, this traffic gets filtered because the social media giants want to make money from their businesses, for example with facebook/instagram ads.

With a website, you have the freedom to create and publish as and when you want, you are in the driving seat. Especially if one day say, Instagram or Tiktok, disappear, or your followers move onto another social media favourite - does anyone remember the IG and WhatsApp outage in October 2021!?

4. It’s your No.1 employee!

Your website is up and running 24/7 365 days a year so it can be your best employee promoting your business worldwide, even while you sleep.

It allows you to reach parts of the world that may not use social media channels because of personal choice, governance or accessibility.

5. It saves you time

Your website should be a hub of information for everything about your business and everything about your products and services.

Your visitors can instantly search and find if you offer something that they were looking for without waiting for you to pick up the phone or reply to a question by email. ⁠It also helps to filter out people who are genuinely interested in your product or service, or those who are looking for answers to some questions.

I hope that helps clarify why you need a website! If you have any questions about what platforms to use or building your website in general, drop me a message.


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